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WNNA Changed it's policy on Photography and Filming in 2024. 



It is a condition of entry into the WNNA competition that participants may be subject to photography/filming as described in the policy and that consent is provided for this purpose.


As the Club / Team Contact entering the team into the competition online in Netball Connect, you agree to advise that all team members and parents/guardians (if under 18)  and make them aware of the above conditions and agree to comply.


** Under special circumstances an exemption may be granted – the team/individual needs to state, in writing on the “Exemption Request Form”, the reason an exemption is being sought to the Centre Manager.



WNNA suggest that it is best practice to:


1. For club and teams to communicate the Waverley Night Netball Association Inc. (WNNA) Photo Consent Policy and make players and parents in the club/team are aware of the policy.


2. That if choosing to film a game under this policy, it is best practice to notify the opposition coach and that the filming be carried out by an official or person holding a WWCC.


3. If we wish to Livestream a game, permission must to given by the opposition team and WNNA for each specific game by completing this permission form with WNNA at Reception prior to the game. 



Photo Consent Policy document


Photo Consent Exemption form


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