WNNA Changed it's policy on Photography and Filming in 2024.
It is a condition of entry into the WNNA competition that participants may be subject to photography/filming as described in the policy and that consent is provided for this purpose.
As the Club / Team Contact entering the team into the competition online in Netball Connect, you agree to advise that all team members and parents/guardians (if under 18) and make them aware of the above conditions and agree to comply.
** Under special circumstances an exemption may be granted – the team/individual needs to state, in writing on the “Exemption Request Form”, the reason an exemption is being sought to the Centre Manager.
WNNA suggest that it is best practice to:
1. For club and teams to communicate the Waverley Night Netball Association Inc. (WNNA) Photo Consent Policy and make players and parents in the club/team are aware of the policy.
2. That if choosing to film a game under this policy, it is best practice to notify the opposition coach and that the filming be carried out by an official or person holding a WWCC.
3. If we wish to Livestream a game, permission must to given by the opposition team and WNNA for each specific game by completing this permission form with WNNA at Reception prior to the game.